Aylén Loto
Age 2122 Dec 2023
La Banda, Santiago del Estero (Argentina)

Aylén's body was found at her home.
A young transsexual woman was found dead inside her home by a relative.
The tragic event occurred around one in the morning yesterday, in a house located on block 43, lot 2, in the El Paraíso neighborhood of the city of La Banda.
The victim was identified by the Police as Aylén Loto, 21 years old.
According to what was reported by the sources consulted, her sister had arrived at the property and began searching the property for the young woman. He didn't find her, so he tried to contact her. While she was calling Aylén's cell phone, she heard the device ringing in the building, so she continued searching.
He went out to the backyard and found her hanging. She immediately alerted the police about the situation. The transsexual was hanging from a tree, attached to a piece of cloth. She was dead.
By order of the prosecutor on duty, Dr. Jacqueline Maccio, the victim's body was transferred to the judicial morgue, where an autopsy was performed. It is suspected that the victim was suffering from a depressive crisis that she could not overcome.
Relatives told the Police that Aylén was discriminated against by society due to [the fact that she was trans].