
TDoR 2021: Say their names. Read their stories. Remember them
The Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) is here again, and with it, even more names and faces of those who have been lost to us in the past year.
Today is Trans Day of Remembrance 2020 - the day we remember our fallen. On this day above all others, *please* stand with us.
TDoR 2020: Say their names. Read their stories. Remember them
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) feels different this year of necessity. After all, how could it not, when a pandemic is ravaging the globe and so many - including all of us here in the UK - will be locked down on 20th November?
TDoR 2019: Say their names. Read their stories. Remember them
The Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) is here again, and with it, a whole collection of names and faces who have been lost to us in the past year.
TDoR 2018: Say their names. Read their stories. Remember them
At the end of October 2017 a group of us started preparing for the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) 2017 vigil in my home town of Bournemouth. Aside from the vigil itself, the end results were blogposts, tears and painstakingly collected data which we used to produce a memorial card for every victim we knew about.
A short speech from a Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil
This is a short speech I gave at the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) vigil held in Bournemouth, UK on Tuesday 20th November 2018. I thought I would reproduce here in case anyone else finds it useful in future.
TDoR: Learning more about those we have lost
Introducing - a new website to provide supporting information and resources for TDoR events.
Some months are harder than others
There are times when I wonder how I ended up doing what I do, and what makes me carry on doing it. Collating information on violence against trans people in preparation for Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) events held every November is like that.
TDoR 2017: Say their names. Read their stories. Remember them
I've done many things since I came out in 2001, but volunteering to collate the data for the Trans Day of Remembrance vigil in Bournemouth (see Remembering Our Dead never gets any easier) this year was definitely one of the hardest.
Remembering Our Dead never gets any easier
A personal reflection on the Trans Day of Remembrance - and what I learned about some of those we lost to violence in between October 2016 and September 2017.