Victoria Pereira
Age 2225 Mar 2023
Rivera (Uruguay)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/25-Mar-2023/Victoria Pereira
Victoria was stabbed in the street.
A 22-year-old trans woman was stabbed to death this Saturday morning in Rivera, sources from the Police Headquarters of that department confirmed to El Observador .
It happened on calle Manuel Meléndez in the Villa Sonia neighborhood in the north of the city of Rivera, near the border with Brazil.
Rivera police are working to clarify the authority and motives for the homicide. The Scientific Police and the Prosecutor's Office are also working on the case.
Victoria was one of the protagonists of Naturaleza trans , a stage documentary directed by Marianella Morena in which three trans women shared their life stories.
La recordaré como una de las protagonistas de Naturaleza Trans, la obra de Marianella Morena que mostró la realidad de la frontera en el Solís y en escenarios de Argentina y España. La gurisa que se animó a contar su realidad y a darle voz a un colectivo.
— silvana nicola (@silvana_nicola) March 26, 2023
"I will remember her as one of the protagonists of Naturaleza Trans, the work by Marianella Morena that showed the reality of the border in Solís and on stages in Argentina and Spain. The gurisa who dared to tell her reality and give voice to a group."
"Thus, smiling and in a magical moment, when she said: "This experience made me stronger, it healed my wounds.""