Naomi Cabral
Age 475 Oct 2022
Ardea, Lazio (Italy)
Strangled and suffocated
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/05-Oct-2022/Naomi Cabral

Naomi was strangled and suffocated by a client in a hotel. Mirko Angeloni, 35, was detained on suspicion of her murder.
A 35-year-old Italian citizen accused of the murder of Naomi Cabral, a 48-year-old Argentine transsexual who lived on the coast of Rome, is already in jail.
Naomi was strangled in the night between October 4 and 5 in a room at the Hotel Samoa, in Tor San Lorenzo. The two key clues thanks to which the police from the towns of Frascati and Anzio, together with the Velletri prosecutor's office, managed to solve the case were the images from the surveillance video cameras installed in the hotel area and data from Naomi's cell phone.
Investigators had studied closely the people she met in the last hours of life, as well as her telephone contacts. Local media reported that there were images of the detained man entering the hotel with the victim.
The case had initially been defined as confusing because Naomi's body showed no signs of physical violence or traces of blood in the room. However, a post-mortem operation revealed that her death was caused by strangulation, and it is believed that it was during an apparent sexual game.
Naomi was a sex worker. She was born in the province of Chaco, but for several years she had lived in Italy. According to the investigation, she received her clients in a small apartment of the Samoa Hotel in Tor San Lorenzo, near Torvaianica, on the Roman coast: there she was found dead on October 6 by Claudia, a transsexual, compatriot and neighbor of Naomi. Many hours passed before her friend Claudia knocked on the door of Naomi's room and found her dead.