Deysianne França
Age 3226 Jul 2022
Salvador, Bahia (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/26-Jul-2022/Deysianne França

Deysianne died in hospital after being stabbed. At the time she was killed she was trying to escape an abusive relationship and was about to resume her education.
The woman stabbed to death, whose body was found in Largo do Tanque, in São Caetano, on Tuesday (26), lived under constant threats and domestic violence from her partner. Deysianne França was a trans woman, assisted by the Center for the Promotion and Defense of LGBTQIA+ Rights in the State of Bahia (CPDD), who wanted to separate from her partner, with whom she lived in the Lobato neighborhood in Salvador, according to reports.
The victim's uncle says he witnessed a scene of jealousy from his niece's partner at his own father's wake. "He kept her in the house, prevented her from studying, and she always called me saying she was tired and wanted to finish. When her father died, he had a jealousy crisis at the funeral, took her to the back of the cemetery and started to beat her", reports Ednaldo dos Anjos.
"I believe he was the one who carried out this murder, motivated by the fact that she wanted to leave the house, not wanting to live together anymore", he says. The investigation of the crime is still ongoing by the police.
At age 30, Deysianne intended to finish high school and attend college. However, she had difficulty in contacting her family, since her partner did not allow it.
At CPDD, he told about his dreams and desires. "She always said she wanted a formal job, and had dreams, like any other person. She was very vain, and had a dream of having her own house", says Renildo Barbosa, coordinator of the center.