Bárbara Waimaran
30 Dec 2021
El Jícaro, El Progreso (Guatemala)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/30-Dec-2021/Bárbara Waimaran

Barbara's body was found with signs of violence in the Motagua River.
Four days before the start of 2022, the National LGBTIQ + Human Rights Observatory reported the murder of three members of the community and warned that the trend of the previous year continues, when more than 30 violent events with fatal consequences were recorded. For the Human Rights Ombudsman Jordán Rodas, these indices are worrying and are aggravated due to state neglect.
Only in 2021 the Observatory registered at least 32 murders of members of this community, without ruling out the possibility of under-registration. On the other hand, until December 14, 2021, the National Institute of Forensic Sciences (Inacif) served 83 people self-identified as belonging to the LGBTIQ + community nationwide. Among the cases, evaluations of external injuries with 37 victims stand out, followed by 14 medical examinations for sexual crimes.
The LAMBDA Association's observatory indicated that three people identified as part of sexual diversity had been murdered in the country between December 30, 2021 and January 2, 2022.
The office of the Human Rights Ombudsman (PDH) explained that the first victim was Bárbara Waimaran, identified as a trans woman, who was found with signs of violence in the Motagua River, El Jícaro, El Progreso. In this case, the auxiliary of El Progreso of the PDH initiated a file and indicated that it will follow up on the actions of the Public Ministry (MP) for its resolution.
On January 2, the Trans Queens of the Night Organization (Otrans) reported the murder of Joseline Calito, a trans woman killed with a firearm in Amatitlán. According to the PDH report, a gay man was also killed in Santa Rosa on the same day.
"We demand that our authorities strengthen investigative methods to give justice to all those voices that are silenced by prejudice and ignorance," demanded the LAMBDA Association.
The PDH reported in its statement that in addition to monitoring the case of Bárbara Waimaran, the auxiliary authorities of Jutiapa, Guatemala and Santa Rosa opened files and, together with the Office of the Ombudsman for Persons of Sexual Diversity, will follow up on the cases in the pertinent instances.