TDoR 2021 / 2020 / December / 12 / Nataly Lily

Nataly Lily

Age 23

12 Dec 2020
Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/13-Dec-2020/Nataly Lily

Nataly Lily
Nataly Lily [photo:]

Nataly and a colleague were both shot. Her colleague managed to escape, and although police found bloodstains at the crime scene and they were unable to locate Nataly's body.

Nataly Lily's family and friends have been looking for her since Sunday night (13), when they learned that the woman, who is transsexual, could have been murdered. She was accompanied by a friend, who was shot and sent to the hospital Luzia de Pinho Melo, but was unable to say where the shooting took place.

"My sister is an escort and does programs near a hotel in Jundiapeba. On Saturday, she went there and never came back. She was accompanied by a friend, who also does programs, and the two were invited by a couple, who paid in anticipation of a show", said Luan Fortunato, the brother of the victim.

He explains that this friend said that Nataly was the one who talked to the couple initially and then invited her to participate. They got in the car and headed towards Avenida das Orquídeas. Customers reportedly said they were going to a party at a farm, but when they arrived, only Nataly got out of the car and was shot.

"Her friend was still in the car and when she saw my sister she had already been shot. They had two other boys waiting in that place and they showed pictures, but they were not of my sister or of her friend. I believe that the attack was a mistake", says Luan.

Even with the confusion, the friend was not spared being shot in the mouth and arm. After passing out, she woke up on top of Nataly and tried to wake her up, but thought she was already dead. The friend managed to run to a house in the Gica community, in the district of Braz Cubas. There, the Mobile Emergency Service (Samu) was called and she was referred to Luzia.

When she woke up in the hospital, the friend told her sister everything that happened and it was she who forwarded a voicemail to Luan telling what had happened. "We already went looking for all the clues we had, we went close to Avenida das Orquídeas, in Parque Leon Feffer, but we didn't get anything. And the police aren't helping, they're not doing anything", emphasizes the brother.

The São Paulo Public Security Secretariat (SSP) said only that the case was registered by the 2nd DP of Mogi das Cruzes as an attempted murder and disappearance of a person. They are investigating.

On 21st December family members held a protest to call for justice.

A group of family members and friends of the transsexual Nataly Lily, 23, who has been missing since the 12th , is holding a protest late Monday afternoon (21), in front of Motel Mogi (formerly Paraná), on Avenida Lourenço de Souza Franco, in Jundiapeba, access between Mogi das Cruzes and Suzano. The road was blocked in both directions by the protesters at around 6:20 pm, complicating traffic on the stretch, which is quite busy at this peak time.

A team from the Mogi Municipal Guard arrived at the place around 6:50 pm and soon received reinforcements, but the protesters - who "seek justice for Nataly" - refused to clear the avenue. Military Police (PM) and Urban Ostensive Round (Romu) officers were called - heavily armed - who talked to the participants. One driver broke through the blockade, running over one of the protesters, causing bruises to one of their legs. Other drivers chose to use alternative routes.

Participants in the protest carried placards asking for "justice" for Nataly and dressed white T-shirts. At 7:10 pm the occurrence was accompanied by three police vehicles and seven from the Municipal Guard of Mogi. In dialogue with the Protestants, the teams released a banner in each direction. The crowd started to disperse around 7:30 pm. Participants walked the route peacefully.

Vanessa Silva Vieir, Carlos Renato Rodrigues Silva, Danilo Nascimento Batista and Caio Cleiton Rodrigues Silva were subsequently arrested for Nataly's murder.

Nataly's Facebook profile is

Report added: 19 Dec 2020. Last updated: 13 Jul 2023

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

Please continue with caution.


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