Sheila de Oliveira da Silva
Age 2718 Nov 2020
João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/18-Nov-2020/Sheila de Oliveira

Sheila's body was found under a bed in an inn in central João Pessoa on the night of Wednesday 18th November. A man she arrived with is being sought by police.
The Civil Police confirmed on Thursday (19) that the [trans woman] found dead in an inn in the central region of João Pessoa was murdered. At first, the possibility she died a natural death was considered, but after a preliminary examination the hypothesis was discarded.
The body was found on Wednesday night (18), during the cleaning of the environment, located at Rua da República, central region of João Pessoa. The victim's social name was Sheila. As soon as Marcos Paulo de Oliveira da Silva identified himself.
Witnesses said the victim arrived at the inn during the night, accompanied by a man, appointed as his companion. He left the place 20 minutes after check in. Civil Police Chief Aldrovilli Grisi said he was the prime suspect, but has not yet been located.
Sheila's family reported that she had been beaten several times and was in an extremely abusive relationship.
Sheila was 27 years old. The aunt says that she has been beaten several times, victim of prejudice. The family was very concerned about her health and safety.
“Unfortunately, prejudice is widespread every day, growing more every day. [Deadname] was always chased and sometimes came home with bruises”, she revealed. Her aunt said that, since she started dating, Sheila has moved away from the family and had been in an abusive relationship.
“It has been more than two months since her partner let her out, so she came back to us. She would come home, spend three or four days but always go back. From then onwards she didn't come back, and it had been two months. It was like she was under house arrest because her partner would not let her out and made constant threats to her”, she concluded.