Eilyn Catalina
Age 2128 Jun 2020
Medellín, Antioquia (Colombia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/28-Jun-2020/Eilyn Catalina
Eilyn was stabbed. The trans groups Red Popular Tran and Trans Community Network of Bogotá condemned her murder.
The Red Popular Trans, a collective of trans, non-binary and 'queer' people from Medellín, denounced the murder of a trans woman sex worker in that city.
This is Eilyn Catalina, 21, who this Sunday, according to information published in the group's account, "was stabbed to death." At the moment, no further details of the case are known.
The collective regretted that the murder of Eilyn occurred precisely this Sunday, when the International LGBT Pride Day is commemorated. "It is not the day of 'pride'. It is not a holiday, it is not a day to celebrate. They continue to kill us, they are killing us”, the publication reads.
The Trans Community Network of Bogotá also rejected the murder. In an Instagram post, that organization wrote: “in Colombia #NosEstanMatando for being trans women, for deciding on our bodies, for building ourselves as free women. Our identity is costing us life. ”
Today we are missing Eilyn Catalina, 21-year-old trans woman, inhabitant of commune 1, killed yesterday when we commemorated LGBTI Pride Day. Justice for her!. Also for Eilyn goes our proposed Emergency Humanitarian Crisis Declaratory for Violence against Women. Trans women's lives matter. #NiUnaMenos #VivasNosQeremos