16 Sep 2019
Bayanpur, Sonipat, Haryana (India)
Not reported
TDoR list ref: tgeu/16-Sep-2019/Reena
Reena and a cisgender man named Sahil were both found dead on railway tracks on the morning of Monday 16th September. Their causes of death are unknown.
CHANDIGARH: A 19-year-old youth, who was missing since September 12, and one transgender [woman] were found dead on the railway tracks near Baiyapur village of Sonipat on Monday morning. The youth, Sahil, was a resident of Baiyapur, while the transgender [woman], identified as Reena, was a tenant in his house. Reena had left the house on the eve of Janamashtmi.
Preliminary investigations revealed that Sahil had left home on September 12.