Daniela Perea
Age 1610 Jun 2024
Tadó, Chocó (Colombia)
Raped and stoned
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/10-Jun-2024/Daniela Perea

Daniela's body was found three days after she had been reported missing.
Three days after being reported missing, Daniela Perea, a 16-year-old trans teenager, was found dead by the community of the San Pedro neighborhood, in Tadó, Chocó.
The discovery occurred on the morning of holiday Monday, June 10, when the body was seen under a house in the sector and near a ravine. She had apparent signs of sexual abuse as well as injuries caused by blunt objects.
"She disappeared in the municipality of Tadó and was found under a house with signs of rape. She was murdered with a stone and a stick, because she had a club on her neck and they left her there," said a member of the Itsmina Diversa organization.
According to information provided by the authorities, the victim was identified as [deadname] Mosquera Perea and suffered a blow to the head with a blunt object.