TDoR 2024 / 2024 / February / 25 / Teresa Murillo

Teresa Murillo

Age 31

25 Feb 2024
Ciudad Sandino, Managua (Nicaragua)
Not reported

TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/25-Feb-2024/Teresa Murillo

Teresa Murillo
Teresa Murillo [photo:]

Teresa's body was found under a tree in suspicious circumstances.

The case of transsexual [woman] [deadname] Murillo, 31 years old, popularly known as “Teresa”, who was found dead with a wire tied around her neck under the branch of a tree in a vacant lot in the municipality of Ciudad Sandino, has been classified as suicide.

News hunters report that the discovery was made by people who were passing through the area at around 2 pm yesterday, Sunday, who raised the alarm to the residents of the sector and informed the police authorities so that they could come to rule out criminal actions.

The unfortunate [woman] was part of a group that went out to the streets to earn a living by dancing, and for some time she had fallen into the clutches of liquor and drugs, which is why she began to be rejected by many people, to the point of being seen sleeping on the streets of the municipality.

The body of the unfortunate [woman] was taken to the Institute of Legal Medicine and after being handed over to his relatives, they proceeded to hold a vigil for her in her grandmother's home in the Jorge Dimitrov neighborhood, district one of Managua. In the afternoon they gave her a Christian burial.

Subsequently Teresa's family started to receive death threats.

Contrary to initial reports of suicide, Teresa’s family members have said they have received death threats and have demanded an investigation by the police, given that the way she was found made it impossible for her to have committed suicide,” notes the Observatory , run by the feminist organization La Corriente.

This case is reportedly under investigation after the family stated that the victim had received death threats, but no progress has been made.

Report added: 1 Mar 2024. Last updated: 16 Nov 2024

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

Please continue with caution.


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