Mykal Rae
21 Jul 2023
Virginia (USA)

Mykal reportedly identififed as nonbinary. They died by suicide on or around 21st July 2023.
My best friend of 3 years someone who shared the same love as I at one time, was taken from us because of depression and the lack of support [their] death is a SIGN TO SUPPORT AND LOVE OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS NOW YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL BE HERE TODAY AND GONE TOMORROW, I was recently told to take this post down but I’m putting it back up to honor Mykal’s memory.
I’m not the kind to make lengthy posts nor to come off to attack anyone but Mykal was my best friend and saw the better parts of myself and tried his hardest to preserve the light that so many wished they could extinguish. [They were] talented, loyal and above all else [they] loved unconditionally.
I will NOT be taking this post down because the friends and people who truly supported Mykal need to know that [they are] no longer with us physically but spiritually [they] will always be remembered and will live on.
I will carry on his light for as long as I live. I will be holding a remembrance for him information will be given out soon for friends and associates of Mykal.
Sleep well, my friend forever, you always will and always have been a beautiful soul and person. AND TO LET IT BE KNOWN Mykal Rae / Mykal Wilson lived with me because [they] could not find anywhere to go [they] didn’t pass because of drug use because [they were] an addict [they] passed because of the stressors of life and the lack of “support” and another thing comment on my post at your own peril because I have time today. And to Mykal’s father and sister and any family members who supported [them] you have my love and support I am truly truly sorry.
Mykal's Facebook and Tiktok profiles are and