Francheska Rivas
8 Jul 2023
Acacías, Meta (Colombia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/08-Jul-2023/Francheska Rivas

Francheska's body was found with stab wounds early on the morning of Saturday 8th July.
In the municipality of Acacías, on Saturday, July 8, in the early hours of the morning, the lifeless body of Francheska Rivas, a transgender woman from Villavicencio who worked in a tolerant area of this municipality and was only an hour from home.
"On Saturday around 2:00 am through a call received on the 123 emergency line of the National Police, someone was contacted to report that a person had been killed by stab wounds," Jorge Martínez, an Acacías Police captain, explained to this outlet.
According to statements by Captain Martínez, there is already a possible perpetrator of the event that ended Francheska's life. However, investigations continue to clarify the motive, to determine if it was a transfemicide or how the events occurred.