Joselyn Lino
1 Jul 2023
Santa Elena (Ecuador)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/01-Jul-2023/Joselyn Lino

Joselyn was attacked by unidentified assailants riding motorcyles while walking through the Santa Rosa central park.
Among the residents of the Santa Rosa urban parish, within the jurisdiction of the Salinas canton, there is great consternation over the murder of [dedname] Balón, better known as 'Joselyn', a well-known and loved [trans woman] in the area.
'Joselyn' was murdered with four shots early on Saturday, July 1, while walking through the central park of Santa Rosa. The victim was seriously injured and was taken to a hospital where death was confirmed.
At the time of his crime, the now deceased was accompanied by another person who was seriously injured. Witnesses indicated that individuals on motorcycles were to blame for the incident. She, 'Joselyn', was left lying next to her companion on the park sidewalk.
Friends of 'Joselyn' presume that her death could be revenge. Although they prefer not to identify themselves, they allege that individuals related to drug trafficking had threatened them months ago and there would be five people on the list.
“She was a nice girl, always a good person. Maybe she saw or knew something and that's why they killed him. I hope they find the culprits of this incident. Although Joselyn had mistakes, she did not deserve this,” commented one of her loved ones.
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