Michelle Dionne Peacock
Age 5930 Jun 2023
Richmond, Indiana (USA)

Michelle was a cisgender woman who had survived cancer. She was killed by a neighbour who believed she was trans.
Two days later another cisgender person - Colin Smith was also killed in a transphobic attack.
A cisgender woman was stabbed to death because her alleged killer believed she was transgender.
67-year old Tommy W. Earl was charged with the murder of 59-year-old Michelle Dionne Peacock in Richmond, Indiana on 3 July, after local police were called to the Merle Henderson Apartments on 30 June.
According to a court affidavit, Earl approached Peacock – who was in a gazebo south of the apartment building – and slit her throat with a straight razor.
Peacock was pronounced dead at the scene after she “bled severely from the laceration” Earl allegedly inflicted on her.
Police reportedly arrived on the scene at around 1.20pm to find bystanders attempting to subdue Earl, who had blood on his person and threatened to kill an officer with the same weapon used on Peacock.
As per reporting by Fox59, Earl told investigators Peacock was a “a male acting like a woman” – implying he believed, incorrectly, that she was trans.
Earl went on to say that he would “do it again” and claimed the pair did not get on, saying he had a “dispute” with Peacock for months prior to the incident.