Stephany Jama Cotto
Age 2122 May 2023
Lambayeque (Peru)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/28-May-2023/Stephany Jama Cotto

Stephany died after being stabbed multiple times in the bathroom of the hostel where she had been living since 2nd March.
A horrendous crime was registered again in the capital of friendship . This time, the victim was an Ecuadorian, [trans woman] who was stabbed to death with 36 stab wounds.
This murder occurred last Monday night, when the agents of the Homicide area of the Criminal Investigation Division were alerted that there was a lifeless person inside the "HM1" shelter, located at Calle 7 de Enero Nº 1408.
Upon arriving at the scene the detectives went to room No. 09 on the third floor, where they noticed blood running down the corridor. Inside the bathroom they saw the body of the Ecuadorian transvestite, José Enrique Jama Cotto, 21 years old, also known as "Stephany", who worked in clandestine [sex work], lying on her right side.
She had been standing next to a vandalized toilet and sink, which means her head was hit with full force. Subsequently, the investigators together with forensic doctors, when reviewing the remains of the deceased in the presence of prosecutor Jenner Antony Santacruz Samamé, of the Third Corporate Criminal Provincial Prosecutor's Office, found that she had 36 stab wounds, both on the neck, frontal area and chest. In addition to being gagged with a towel, which her executioner placed on her so that she could not call for help. Her feet and hands also had pin marks, suggesting that the killer had cruelly treated the young [trans woman].
On the bed there was a piece of cardboard which said: "Here is an example of what will happen to someone who does not line up." The note is thought to be from a mafia of Venezuelan pimps who charge fees to [sex workers], as Mail already reported in its previous editions.
The receptionist Jorge Antonio Acuña Rojas said that the victim lived in the shelter since March 2, 2023.