TDoR 2023 / 2023 / March / 29 / Ketlhyn da Silva Nascimento

Ketlhyn da Silva Nascimento

Age 16

29 Mar 2023
São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/29-Mar-2023/Ketlhyn da Silva Nascimento

Ketlhyn da Silva Nascimento
Ketlhyn da Silva Nascimento [photo:]

Ketlhyn was one of 3 people shot in an apparent murder-suicide. The perpetrator may have been a 34-year-old man who was the ex-boyfriend of the other victim, a 28-year-old woman.

A woman left to travel with her son and when she returned to her home, in São João Del Rei (MG), she found a sinister scene. The gate was unlocked and the room door is closed. She entered through the back and came across a pool of blood coming out of the door of one of the rooms. She asked for help from a motorcyclist who was passing by on the street. The man kicked down the bedroom door and found three bodies on the floor.

One of the dead, aged 34, according to the police report, is an ex-boyfriend of another victim, aged 28. A 16-year-old girl was also found dead.

Nine .380 caliber shells were found at the scene, which, curiously, were intact . The house was isolated and the bodies taken to the IML (Legal Medical Institute). No one was arrested and investigations continue after the opening of an inquiry, according to the Civil Police.

The woman who found the bodies told a local newspaper that she lived with two of the victims, the 28-year-old woman and the teenager, a 16-year-old trans woman.

The third victim, the 34-year-old man, according to him, was the older woman's ex. Witnesses told police that he threatened to kill her after seeing the woman accompanied by the teenager in a bar.

“They stayed, but he didn’t live there. It was her boyfriend. It wasn't a serious relationship for her, but for him it was something serious, because he was on top of her a lot,” she said.

Ketlhyn's Facebook profile is

Report added: 12 Oct 2023. Last updated: 9 Nov 2023

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

Please continue with caution.


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