Rayane Cássia Bittencourt Nogueira
Age 2315 Feb 2023
Porto Real, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Beaten and strangled
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/15-Feb-2023/Rayane Cássia Bittencourt Nogueira
Rayane's decomposing body was found in her home on the afternoon of Wednesday 15th February. She had been hit on the head and then strangled.
The transsexual [woman] Rayane Cássia Bittencourt Nogueira, 23 years old, was found dead in the late afternoon of Wednesday, the 15th, in her home located at Rua B, number 40, in the Vila Real neighborhood, in Porto Real (RJ).
Military police went to the place and found that the trans [woman] had been murdered. Signs were identified that the victim was hit in the head and was asphyxiated.
The body was found by an uncle of the victim, who entered through a window, after a neighbor noticed the bad smell exhaled from the property.
A suspect was arrested on Thursday 2nd March.