Adiela García Castaño
Age 507 May 2022
Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda (Colombia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/07-May-2022/Adiela García Castaño

Adiela was stabbed multiple times.
The body of Adiela García Castaño, 50 years old, was found on the banks of a ravine in the El Palo sector of the San Andresito village of the municipality of Santa Rosa de Cabal. The victim was killed with a knife and around 10 stab wounds were found all over her body.
García Castaño worked as a motorcycle taxi driver and was part of the LGTBIQ + community. The authorities are investigating if her death had anything to do with her [identity].
According to unofficial reports, hours before her death the victim was summoned to go on a run. Later she was seen in the urban area of the municipality transporting a young man and shortly after her body was found by the community of the San Andresito village.