Paula Mesquita
Age 3411 Mar 2022
Castanhal, Pará (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/11-Mar-2022/Paula Mesquista

Paula was shot during a robbery at a bakery. She died at the scene.
A [trans woman] was killed during an alleged robbery at a bakery in Castanhal , in northeastern Pará.
The victim was identified as 34-year-old Paula Mesquita. She had tried to run away when the criminals announced their robbery of the bakery.
The bandits shot twice at her, and then fled the scene. After being shot the victim managed to walk a few meters, but died while waiting for medical help.
Witnesses told police that the robbers did not take anything from the establishment or the victim.
In a statement, the Civil Police confirmed the record of the case and said that steps were being taken to locate those responsible for the crime. So far, no one has been arrested.