Sarahí Atenea/Saray Ramos Izaguirre
Age 3111 Dec 2021
Colima (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/11-Dec-2021/Sarahí Atenea/Saray Ramos Izaguirre

Sarahí's body was found in an irrigation channel.
COLIMA, Col. ( .– This Saturday the body of a transgender woman was found inside an irrigation canal, located near the town of Lo de Villa, in the municipality of Colima.
The organization that defends the rights of sexual diversity, Orgullo Disidente, announced that the victim responded to the name Sarahí Atenea, while denouncing that her murder constitutes the fifth transfemicide that has occurred in the state so far this year.
Through a statement, the group pointed out that among the causes of transfeminicides is the war strategy implemented by the government and the transphobia that still persists in some sectors of society.
“The news fills us with pain and anger; we demand justice from the State Attorney General's Office for Sarahí Athena and for all those murdered, "warned Dissident Pride, while demanding that the state government implement" a real change in the security strategy that is killing us. "