La Divaza
7 Dec 2021
Riohacha, La Guajira (Colombia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/07-Dec-2021/La Divasa/Diva

La Divaza was homeless and nonbinary. They died as a result of a stab wound to the chest.
The Caribbean Affirmative organization denounced this Wednesday the murder of a non-binary person in Riohacha, La Guajira, who was known as 'La Divaza'.
"The victim, a homeless inhabitant, died as a consequence, yet to be clarified, of a fight, in which they were stabbed in their chest , leaving them seriously injured, "reads a statement issued by that organization. The events were recorded on Tuesday, December 7.
For Caribe Affirmative, these events are alarming, considering that "in Riohacha, in recent days, cases of violence and acts of intolerance have been reported in public spaces in which the exercise of violence against dissident bodies has been legitimized. (Of diverse gender identity or expression) ".
The organization called on the Prosecutor's Office to carry out an investigation: "in view of the situation of vulnerability and visibility due to gender expression, it is required to take into account the thesis of violence due to prejudice, since stigmas and stereotypes could have been the cause. "
This case joins that of Cristina Cantillo Martínez , a trans woman and social leader who was murdered in Santa Marta, also this Tuesday, while she was chatting with her relatives at the door of her residence. Those responsible were two men riding a motorcycle. The pillion rider drew a firearm and shot her repeatedly.
The same day two other trans people - Cristina Cantillo Martínez and Maní - were also killed in Colombia.