TDoR 2022 / 2021 / December / 04 / Derya


Age 36

4 Dec 2021
Ankara (Turkey)
Not reported

TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/04-Dec-2021/Derya


Derya was found dead in a parking lot on the night of 4th December. Her death is considered suspicious.

Trans woman Derya (36) was found dead in a car park in Ankara's Sıhhiye on the night of December 4. The cause of her death is being investigated.

Speaking to Kaos GL Association, Derya's friends have said that Derya's deceased body was found by the security guards working at the car park. The deceased body of the woman has been sent to the Keçiören Forensic Medicine Institution for a postmortem examination.

The Pembe Hayat (Pink Life) Association and the Kırmızı Şemsiye (Red Umbrella) Association have released a written statement and announced that they will follow up the investigation into her death.

The associations noted, "With her body sent to the forensic medicine institution for an autopsy because 'her death was suspicious', Derya's death is not suspicious. It is without a doubt that Derya was the victim of a 'murder'. It is an undeniable fact that, in our geography, trans people unfortunately wage a fight in conditions of police state and state of emergency." Raising concerns about the impunity for the crimes against trans people in Turkey, the associations have briefly added:

"When the autopsy reports come out, we may well learn that Derya was not killed by someone, but hanged herself, which would not change the fact that Derya was the victim of a murder.

Deprived of all types of social and public support mechanisms, systematically deprived of all constitutional rights, excluded from public space, turned into a target of organized evil and violence by the state as well and with their deceased bodies found in a field, a construction site, a car park or a highway not met 'with surprise or awe' by society, trans people's suicides, about the reasons of which we do not think much, but we all know, are murders, even if they are suicides.

Report added: 8 Dec 2021. Last updated: 8 Nov 2022

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

Please continue with caution.


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