Rayza Torriani
Age 4720 May 2021
Tiquipaya, Cochabamba (Bolivia)

Rayza died in hospital while waiting for an intensive care bed to become available. She was the founder and leader of Red de Personas Trans de Bolivia (Trebol).
Activist Rayza Torriani, the leader of Red de Personas Trans de Bolivia (Trebol), died today in a medical center in Tiquipaya, Cochabamba department as a result of complications caused by Covid-19.
Torriani had fought for several days against the virus. She needed to enter a health center with an intensive care unit, but unfortunately due to the collapse in the public health system she could not find space.
The situation was made known through a social media post which indicated her urgent need for a space in intensive care, as due to complications in her state of health the place where she was hospitalized did not have the facilities to treat her.
“On the night of Wednesday, May 19, I had to sign a document that said that the health center where she is located is not optimal and that she could die. She was on a long waiting list to be admitted to intensive care; the last time I spoke with her, she told me that she was afraid of dying, but not for her, for her daughter”, indicates a note signed by a friend of Torriani, Frank Evelio Arteaga.
Torriani dedicated her life to the fight for the rights of the LGBT community in Bolivia and was gaining space in the political sphere.
Razya's Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/rayzatorrianibol/.