Michele Alves da Silva
30 Sep 2020
São José da Laje, Alagoas (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/30-Sep-2020/Michele

Michele was stabbed in the neck and ribs after confronting a group of men who had robbed her at a party. Her body was found by residents the following morning.
A [trans woman] was stabbed to death in the early hours of Wednesday (30), in São José da Laje, in the Zona da Mata de Alagoas. Three men were arrested, a minor was apprehended but another man who also participated in the crime was not found.
According to information gathered by the city's Civil Police, the victim's registration name was [deadname] Alves da Silva, known as [deadnickname]. The investigation determined that she was at a party with the suspects, when at one point they stole about R $ 300 from the victim. She reacted and was stabbed in the neck and ribs.
Edberg Oliveira, a delegate of the São José da Laje and Ibateguara Police Station, informed the G1 report that shortly after stealing from the victim one man and the minor had left and the other three suspects stayed at the party. The victim noticed the theft, identified the suspects and went to confront them.
"The two suspects who stole from the victim were gone and the three men stayed. They had a disagreement with the victim and killed her. Then they hid her corpse in a wooded area," said the deputy. Police said the murder was unrelated to transphobia because the suspects' aim was to rob from the victim. The body of the [trans woman] was found this morning by residents of the region, who then called the police.
The three suspects were taken to the Integrated Public Security Center (Cisp) in the city, where the three adults were charged for the crime of theft, homicide and hiding a corpse. The seized minor will answer for theft and will be released.