Jardiele Santos
Age 2413 Sep 2020
Maceió, Alagoas (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/14-Sep-2020/Jardiele Santos

Jardiele's body was found in a shallow grave on Sunday 13th September. She had been missing for 9 days.
Buried in a shallow grave, the body of Jardiele Santos, 24, was found on Sunday (13) in an enclosed forest area in the Benedito Bentes neighborhood.
The trans woman has been missing since the 4th of this month and, according to the Gay Group of Alagoas (GGAL), she is the eighth LGBTQI + person murdered in Alagoas this year.
According to the Instituto Médico Legal (IML), she was a victim of traumatic brain injury (TBI), due to the action of a sharp and cutting instrument. Last Thursday (10), the Military Fire Brigade (CBM) was called in to search for Jardiele's body, after that the family had received information that she was dead and where her body was.