Age 3521 Aug 2020
Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu (India)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/15-Aug-2020/Anushka

The bodies of two trans women - Anushka and Bhavani - and their partner Murugan were found with dumped on Friday 21st August. They had been dead for several weeks.
The bodies of two trans women and their partner were found in two wells in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu on Friday morning (August 21), their murders having taken place “a few weeks ago”.
In the Palayankottai neighbourhood of Tirunelveli, the bodies of Anushka, 35, Bhavani, 34 and their partner Murugan, 38, were found packed into bags and stuffed into two wells near a bypass, police said.
The three lived in Narasinganallur near Suthamalli, according to friends who knew the trio well. They were part of a thriving trans community in the area and hoped to adopt a child.
Police have arrested three people, naming one suspect as Rishikesh, a Salem local who lives with a trans woman in Tirunelveli and knew Anushka personally.