Natasha Ferreira Lobato
Age 3027 Apr 2020
Francisco Morato, São Paulo (Brazil)
Beaten and stabbed
TDoR list ref: tgeu/27-Apr-2020/Natasha Lobato
Natasha was found dead by friends inside her home on Monday 27th April. Her death is being investigated as a case of murder and theft.
Her body was wrapped in a blanket and she had sustained several fractures, mainly to her face and head.
A [trans woman] was found dead on Monday (27), inside her home in Francisco Morato, in Greater São Paulo. The Civil Police investigates the case as murder and theft.
The main suspicion is that Natasha Ferreira Lobato may have been killed and robbed by a client. She was 30 years old and a [sex worker].
The likely cause of death was polytrauma caused by a sharp object. Her body was found by friends, who found her disappearance strange. Natasha was dead, wrapped in a blanket, with several fractures, mainly on her face and head.
Natasha's Facebook profile is