Maisa Andrade
Age 345 Feb 2020
João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil)
Cosmetic filler poisoning

Maisa died in hospital after a cosmetic surgery procedure in a clandestine clinic.
Civil Police are investigating the death of the LGBT activist, Maísa Andrade, 34, after applying industrial silicone in a clandestine clinic in João Pessoa. Maísa died on Wednesday (5), at the Trauma Hospital of João Pessoa.
Homicide delegate Carlos Othon requested the cadaveric examination and said that some testimonies have already been given to the police, but he preferred not to inform who testified at that moment to avoid exposing people.
According to a friend of the victim, the clinic is located in the Varadouro neighborhood. She was sick during the procedure on her leg, and was helped by the person who was doing the application.
Hours before the procedure, Maisa had recorded videos on a social network giving details of the procedure:
“Today I'm going to do my aesthetic procedure, I don't know if I'm going to do stories there because I'm very anxious, nervous, but I hand everything over to God, that everything goes well. Later, if I'm fine, I'll take some pictures.”
Samu reported that Maísa was rescued on Tuesday (4), with tachycardia, hypertension, vomiting and seizures. Despite being disoriented, she was still conscious and informed the rescuers that she had applied industrial silicone.
According to information from the Trauma consultancy of João Pessoa at ClickPB, Maísa was hospitalized in a very serious condition and diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism, which is the obstruction of pulmonary arteries with blood clots.
The Movement for the Defense of Human Rights of the LGBT Population of the Municipality of Cajazeiras, of which the trans dead woman was a member, released a note on a social network lamenting her death. Maísa was born and lived in the municipality of Sertão da Paraíba.