L. S. Félix
Age 245 Oct 2019
Patos, Paraíba (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/5-Oct-2019/Name Unknown

L. was stabbed in the chest after an argument.
A [trans woman] was stabbed to death on the morning of Saturday, 05, in the center of Patos, sertão do estado. She was stabbed in the chest inside a commercial establishment near the public market and even with the help of SAMU [paramedics] the victim died at the scene. A man was reportedly arrested in the city of Santa Teresinha on charges related to the crime.
A suspect was arrested later the same day while trying to hide.
Elyadenis Vitor Gentil de Azevedo, 20, was arrested under suspicion of murdering a [trans woman] in the center of Patos, in the Sertão da Paraíba. According to the Military Police, the crime happened hours before the suspect's arrest. The motive for the murder is still unknown by the police. The suspect was arrested in the neighboring municipality of Santa Terezinha on Saturday (5) while trying to hide.
According to the PM, the transvestite worked as a flanelinha and was well known to the Duck Center merchants. The victim's name is [deadname] Félix, 24. She ran for help after being stabbed in the chest and the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) was called, but by the time they arrived the victim was already dead.