Bruna Surfistinha de Freitas ("Bruna Bruninha")
Age 2620 Sep 2019
Chorozinho, Ceará (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/20-Sep-2019/Bruna Surfistinha de Freitas

Bruna was shot while in the shower by two people who broke into her home. They were seen running from the scene by witnesses.
Criminals broke into a residence on Luís Félix Pereira Street and shot dead a 26-year-old transvestite on the night of Friday (20) in the municipality of Chorozinho. The victim was taking a shower when she was hit by the shots.
[deadname] de Freitas, known as “Bruna Surfistinha”, was at home with her partner when the crime happened. According to the man, who will not have his identity revealed, he was on the second floor of the residence when he heard gunshots and, when checking, found the [trans woman] lying on the bathroom floor.
Agents of the Second Company of the 15th Battalion of the Pacajus Military Police attended the incident. According to police, witnesses reported that two people were seen running out of the scene after the crime. There are no signs of break-in at the site.
According to a family member of “Bruna Surfistinha”, the young woman made programs [i.e. was a sex worker] and planned to open a bar this month, in the house where she lived.
Bruna was well liked in the area and the locals were very upset by the tragedy. Bruna's mother became ill when she learned of her daughter's death and had to be hospitalized.
Bruna's Facebook profile is