Ana Paula
6 Sep 2019
Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/7-Sep-2019/Ana Paula

Ana was beaten with a hammer inside her home. Neighbours had heard screams and called the police, but when they arrived they found her body.
Inside a home, a [woman] was found lifeless on Friday morning in the Heroes del Sur street of the Lomas de Jiutepec neighborhood in the municipality of Jiutepec.
The neighbors said they heard screams for what they called the police, but when the security elements came, they found the person dead. It was reported that she had suffered blows to the body.
The scene was attended by staff of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) as well as investigators who took charge of the case.
The perpetrator was arrested and detained.
As a result of the evidence provided by the Office of the Special Prosecutor for the Investigation and Persecution of the Crime of Feminicide, a Control Judge decreed the detention of a man who was charged with the crime of feminicide committed against a [trans woman].
It was the morning of September 6 when the victim, identified as Ana Paula āNā, a [trans woman] was at her home in Colonia Lomas de Jiutepec, in the company of the accused.
At the scene, the accused repeatedly assaulted the victim in the head and different parts of the body with a hammer, causing the victim to lose her life from a severe head injury.
Upon arriving at the scene, elements of the Municipal Police identified Onorio āNā, 43, with blood stains on his clothes.
In October 2020 he was sentenced to 26 years in prison.