Thaylla Rodrigues de Moura
Age 3019 May 2019
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/19-May-2019/Thaylla Rodrigues de Moura

Thaylla's body was found in front of the bus terminal on Avenida Bandeirantes at dawn on Sunday 19th May. She had a stab wound near her neck.
Her identity was not initially known as she was not carrying any identifying documents when she was found. Her body was eventually identified by her sister.
An unidentified [trans woman] was found dead with a neck wound on Avenida Bandeirantes in the southwest of Campo Grande, early on Sunday morning (19). The Emergency Mobile Assistance Service (SAMU) was activated to provide assistance to the victim, but when the team arrived at the scene they found her already dead.
According to a Civil Police records, the [trans woman] was found lying on the sidewalk at the stretch of the end of the avenue, next to a credit union and a building materials store. The victim was undocumented and carrying only a bundle of keys.
She was dressed in a pair of jeans, a white T-shirt and sneakers. She also had several tattoos on his back, one of the playboy rabbit and other stars.
According to police, at the crime scene a trail of blood of approximately 100 meters in length was found between the sidewalk and the victim's body.
Carlos Batista Lima, 28, was subsequently arrested and charged with qualified homicide.
The Civil Police presented on Tuesday afternoon Carlos Batista Lima, a 28-year-old suspect in the murder of the [trans woman] identified as Thaylla, which occurred at dawn on the 19th, in the vicinity of the Bandeirantes Terminal. Known for being violent, he boasted of homicide and used the crime to intimidate other [trans women]. He was recognized by all the witnesses who testified.
According to the delegate Ricardo Meirelles Bernardinelli, responsible for the investigation at the 5th Civil Police Station, Thaylla was killed because she owed the trafficker. Already convicted of two robberies, the suspect had been arrested at the weekend by the Military Police for disobedience and disorder, after assaulting another [trans woman], also during drug charges, coincidentally at the same spot where he killed Thaylla. "He punched the face of this [trans woman]," explained the delegate.
Thaylla's Facebook profile is