Ze Galhinha
31 Dec 2002
TDoR list ref: tdor.info/Dec 2004/Ze Galhinha
Ze was shot, allegedly by a military police officer.
IGLRC-. At the end of December 2002, a military policeman whose last name is Edras murdered a transsexual known as Ze Galhinha, in the street and in front of several witnesses. The police refused to hear the testimony of the witnesses and did not arrest who appeared as a murderer. The gay organization of the place, AAGLT (Amazon Association of Gays, Lesbians and Travestis) launched a campaign in the media, called for street demonstrations and won the support of the Legislature to investigate the crime. Marcelo Cruz, a lawyer who advised a local deputy, took the case and a judge ordered the preventive detention of police Edras. Then, both the lawyer Cruz and Adamor Guedes, president of the AAGLT suffered harassment and threats on several occasions. On January 27, Marcelo Cruz was murdered in his apartment. The threats against the life of Adamor Guedes continued. The AAGLT has requested protection for the life of its president, without that until now the authorities have responded.
CA 02-14-2003